Vortex Flow Meters

Prowirl F200 Prowirl F200 Mass St... Vortex Flow meter
Prowirl O Flow Meter 6″ Prowirl O High Pressure Mass Vortex Flow Meter

Vortex Flow Meter Hire

Flowhire's Vortex flow meters are mainly used for main line air, gas and steam flow measurement applications.

Prior to shipping we will pre-configure and test your flow meter to your specific application requirements so you can slot it straight into your process. Depending on the system you choose you can take pulse or 4-20mA output and/or include a fully pre-configured data logger or alternative interface.

Typical Applications for Vortex Flow Meters

A vortex flow meter can be used for measuring all kinds of low viscosity gases and liquids, although the majority are used for steam measurement. Steam is a particular measurement challenge – high temperature and often high pressure, with variations in the type of steam leading to changes in measurement parameters. Typical Flowhire's Vortex flow meter applications include: measurement of main line steam, air and gas flows, testing of compressor or boiler efficiency, boiler feed water measurement and measurement of de-mineralised water.

Why choose a Vortex Flow Meter?

A Vortex flow meter is ideal for measuring steam flow, and for cost-effective measurement of air or gas flow. The good turndown ratio means that flow can be measured at varying velocities.

How does a Vortex meter work?

A vertical flow restriction, a ‘bluff body’ is fitted within the flow meter bore, and as flow moves past this, vortices are formed either side, an effect like a flag flapping in the breeze. There is a direct relationship between the flow rate and the number of vortices, and sensors within the meter count the vortices and derive the flow rate.

For more information on Flowhire's Vortex systems, email us at [email protected] or call us on 01422 829930.

Should you wish to buy a Vortex Flow Meter this can be done through our sister company Flowquip Ltd